
Highlights Tefal Cuisine Companion review
The Tefal Cuisine Companion is a difficult product to describe. Tefal describes it as “a cooking-capable food processor and more” that “replaces up to ten appliances in the kitchen and is perfect for chopping, whipping, mixing, kneading, cookin...

Highlights Best coffee machine 2015 - buying guide and top picks
If you want that coffee-shop taste at home, there are no two ways about it: you need a proper coffee machine. The good news is that there are loads of different machines on the market; the bad news is trying to find the one that suits your needs can...

Highlights Melitta Look Timer review
Filter coffee machines are largely about flexibility and being able to produce a lot of coffee conveniently. It’s great to see that the Melitta Look Timer encapsulates both of these goals, and it’s one the best built and most flexible coffee mach...

Focus Swan 1.25L Coffee Maker review
Making a filter coffee machine isn’t particularly complicated and if you’re willing to compromise a little on build quality, you can buy one extremely cheaply, as Swan shows with its 1.25L Coffee Maker. Although it costs £40 direct from the manu...

Focus Best and Worst Foods for Sleep
What to eat before bed

Highlights 7 Tips for the Best Sleep Ever
Surprising new tips to help you get the rest you crave.

Highlights 5 Ways to Unwind in 60 Seconds
5 Ways to Unwind in 60 Seconds

10 Products That May Help You Sleep
Wondering if that noise reducer is worth your while? Or how about organic cotton sheets? We'll give you a rundown of the best and worst products on the market, so you'll sleep better tonight.

Highlights 17 Surprising Reasons You're Stressed Out
Watch out for these hidden anxiety triggers and mood busters.

Focus How Great Customer Service Turns First-time Shoppers into Lifetime Fans
After spending time, money and effort acquiring customers for your new business, it’ll soon be time to switch gears and start focusing on retention. But what can businesses do to convince customers to keep coming back for more? We turned to Reddit...

5 Proven Ways to Increase the Average Order Value of Your Ecommerce Store
You launch your store, you've been marketing it, you're selling a few products and eventually, you notice something. Nearly all of your orders average out to the same, low amount. Your customers checkout with the same quantity of products and the sam...

Highlights 12 Things You Can Do for Your Small Business While Watching Netflix
12 Things You Can Do for Your Small Business While Watching Netflix

Focus How to Start a Business Before You Graduate (10 Kidpreneurs to Inspire You)
A 12-year-old pitches his business on Shark Tank. I’m watching it now on YouTube. At three times his age, hand plunged halfway into a bag of Cheetos, I realize: I am an underachiever.

While Supplies Last: How to Use Scarcity and Urgency to Increase Sales
The fear of missing out can have a powerful effect on shoppers. A split test done by WhichTestWon showed that when a countdown timer was placed on a product page, it converted nearly 9% better than a variation of the product page without a countdown...

Highlights The 26-Point Checklist to Prepare Your Store for Black Friday and Cyber Monday
Black Friday and Cyber Monday are tremendous opportunities for your ecommerce business to make money. In fact, according to Adobe, U.S. consumers spent a record-breaking $2.4 billion on Black Friday last year. But that record won’t last long; accor...

Gaggia Classic review
There's something pleasingly refreshing about the Gaggia Classic. Where as other espresso machines are all about neat curves and polished metal exteriors, the Classic is unabashedly industrial looking.

Krups Inissia review
The Inissia is the new entry-level Nespresso machine that’s designed to tempt you into a life of one-touch espresso without breaking the bank. With a price of only £89 the Inissia falls into that “impulse buy” category, which will result in ma...

Samsung Ecobubble WW9000 review (WW10H9600EW )
It's fair to say that washing machines haven't changed a huge amount over the years, from the outside at least. Every washing machine review we've ever done has been on a machine with a front control panel, a drawer where you put the detergent. With...

Krups Dolce Gusto Mini Me review
It’s fair to say that Nescafé is the most recognised brand of instant coffee on the market, whether in its classic form, Gold Blend or whatever. It therefore comes as no surprise that Nestlé would apply its most famous of brands to its Dolce Gust...

Elgato Avea smart light bulb review
The 7W E27 LED bulbs we looked at for this review produce a peak white brightness of 430 lumens, which is more than bright enough to light a bedroom with a single bulb, but you may want a couple of bulbs to light a living room. You can dim each bulb,...